Pet First Aid

29 08, 2016

People food not for Dogs


People food is for people...not for our dogs. As hard as it may be not to share people food with our dogs, it's best to stick with food specifically formulated and made for our dogs.  In fact, sharing people food with our dogs can be downright dangerous.  Foods that we love such as chocolate, grapes,

People food not for Dogs2023-03-19T18:06:32-04:00
7 09, 2015

The importance of Pet First Aid


Do you know what to do if your dog starts choking? Panicking is not a good option.  Knowing what to do in an emergency can save your dog's life. Here at The Dog Stop we offer an in-depth Walks N Wags Pet First Aid course taught by a certified instructor.  This is an in-depth 10

The importance of Pet First Aid2017-05-29T19:58:52-04:00
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