Social obedince

30 03, 2015

The secret to effective Dog Training


Every dog owner wants a well trained dog.  We hear that every day, especially having a socially obedient dog. "Well behaved" is the goal of most of our customers when they've signed up and taken one of our Dog Training courses.  Here what some of them had to say recently: "Arlene is very consistent, firm

The secret to effective Dog Training2023-05-13T00:54:16-04:00
23 03, 2015

Well Trained


A solid start to a lifetime of enjoyment with your Dog is our Obedience Level 1 Program.  But don't take our word for it.  Here are some comments from Dog Owners who recently completed the program: Katelyn saw big improvements:  'I've witnessed huge changes in Sasha after taking the course.  There has been huge improvements

Well Trained2023-02-22T22:10:19-05:00
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