social obedience

15 05, 2023

Fleas and Ticks: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment


As dog owners, we know that our furry companions love to explore. Whether it's running through tall grass, playing in the park, or just enjoying a leisurely walk, these outdoor adventures are part of what makes life enjoyable for them. However, these activities can sometimes lead to unwanted encounters with pesky parasites such as fleas

Fleas and Ticks: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment2023-05-15T13:34:14-04:00
21 03, 2017

Dog training for life


Last week we wrote about our Social Obedience dog training class. It is a class that is ongoing so that clients can consistently learn and practice with their dog for life. This week is Training for Life for the Trainer. Since completing my Dog Training Obedience apprenticeship in 2009 I have attended many workshops and

Dog training for life2023-04-25T23:37:05-04:00
7 12, 2015

Guide to Effective Dog Training Tips


Just as we thrive on routine and understanding, our canine companions flourish when provided with clear guidance and structure. Integrating dog training tips into the learning process is more than merely teaching commands; it's about molding behaviors, fostering trust, and ensuring a harmonious coexistence. The Core Principles of Dog Training One of the foundational elements

Guide to Effective Dog Training Tips2023-10-15T14:06:50-04:00
5 10, 2015

The secret to a well-behaved dog


Who doesn’t want a well-behaved dog as part of the family? Often through trial-and-error, listening to advice from family and friends and with a lot of frustration, dog owners think they are “training” their dog. It doesn’t have to be that way. Spending the time and energy to get your dog properly trained is the

The secret to a well-behaved dog2023-05-13T00:53:33-04:00
10 08, 2015

Recent favourite blog posts


These are some of our recent favourite blog posts: New Training Programs. Our New Training Programs tailored to you and your dog!  As well we’ve developed a new flexible group class pass system.  Purchase 5, 10, 15 or 20 passes and use toward the classes you wish. Here's more:  The Dog Stop Training Programs.     Doggie

Recent favourite blog posts2017-05-29T19:58:53-04:00
3 08, 2015

Living with an older dog


Living with older dogs. Dogs of all ages are special.  It's fun watching and participating with them as they grow and mature from a frisky puppy to a teen to an older adult dog.  Older dogs need special tender loving care though.  Prevention is far easier than injury.  Here are some things to consider: Keep

Living with an older dog2017-05-29T19:58:53-04:00
27 07, 2015

Cell Phone Not Allowed


  Cell phones are great.  Texting, email, Web surfing and even phone calls...nothing beats a smart cell phone for staying connected. And that's just the problem: Cell phones are always with us and it's become too easy to play with one while doing something else. Just last week I counted 5 out of 10 drivers

Cell Phone Not Allowed2017-05-29T19:58:53-04:00
20 07, 2015

Benefits of owning a dog


Companionship, unfailing devotion, a welcome home tail wag … these are just a few of the benefits of owning a dog.  Here are some more…keep in mind that we are biased and love the commitment we’ve made to our dogs: Be happier.  It’s been shown scientifically that dog owners are less likely to suffer from

Benefits of owning a dog2017-05-29T19:58:53-04:00
4 05, 2015

Obedience and Agility: Challenging and Fun!


A healthy, well-behaved dog is a pleasure to live with.  Obedience and agility doesn’t happen by accident, it requires proper training for both you and your dog.  The benefits grow over time and last a lifetime…as long as you’re consistent.   “Use it or lose it!" So what happens at an obedience and agility training class?  The

Obedience and Agility: Challenging and Fun!2017-05-29T19:58:54-04:00
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